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Empty Property Checklist

Ensuring your vacant property is safe and secure

There is a lot to consider when a property becomes vacant – and the situation can often feel overwhelming.

Through years of experience we have learnt to look at the bigger picture and the smaller details, so we understand exactly what is required to care for, protect and restore vacant properties. To help you maintain a property from the minute it becomes vacant, to when it goes back on the market, we have drawn up a convenient empty property checklist.

Clearing your property

  • Have you removed fittings, rubbish, rubble and hazardous material?
  • Have you made the necessary repairs?
  • Have you conducted an Asbestos survey?
  • Have you drained down or closed off utilities?
  • Do you need specialised clearing services, such as needle sweep and removal, vermin control or body removal?

Securing your property

  • Is your property protected from squatters and trespassers?
  • Do you need to secure perimeters with fencing, bollards, signage or blocks?
  • Should you consider anti-climbing or anti-graffiti paint?
  • Do you need security guards, dogs or patrols?
  • Should you invest in shutters, cameras or alarms?

Maintaining your property

  • Are you covered against flooding and fire?
  • Have you taken care of mould and decay?
  • Is someone taking care of your gardening services?

Preparing your property

  • Have you changed the locks?
  • Have you transferred utility bills?
  • Have you made the necessary security arrangements?
  • Do you need to consider construction or property development?